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Stacey Capobianco has over 20 years of experience working in education and wellness across the country and globally. She is a former classroom teacher and the founder of Spread the Health Now, her health coaching and yoga business. Through her work, she helps children of all ages and school staff connect to and build upon what is within.


Practicing yoga helps Stacey live her life to the fullest and she aims to share the benefits and tools she has learned on her journey with her students. As the mother of three daughters this work is extremely personal as well. Stacey has a BA from Tufts University, a Master’s in education from New York University, as well as her certification in health coaching, a 200-hour adult yoga certification and multiple children’s/baby yoga teaching credentials.

I Am Also


  • A happy plant eater: I fell in love with eating plants when I became vegan. While I am no longer vegan, I incorporate many plant-based recipes into our family meals. We all LOVE them and feel great as a result!


  • A swimmer, tennis player, yogi and nature lover: I have enjoyed each of these practices for years, but what I adore now is participating in them with my family. Movement keeps us energized, connected and happy.


  • A Pizza Bagel: Though not officially, I feel like a proud mix of my Jewish family and my husband’s (and first love) Italian family. These tribes have taught me so much about love, food and happiness.


  • A friend: Whether it’s my childhood friends or the amazing moms I have met later in life, I adore being a friend. My friends make me laugh and feel loved which I consider vital for my well-being.


  • A traveler: My husband and I packed up our NYC apartment and moved across the world to India. Our two years working and traveling there were eye-opening, to say the least.​


  • A believer: I trust that we are all faced with challenges. For me, what matters lies in what we learn from them and how we move forward as a better version of ourselves.




If I can change, so can you. Here are some of my secrets....


1. I grew up loving Chef Boyardee and Fruit Roll-Ups, I now crave greens and real fruit.

2. I used to hit snooze many times before getting out of bed, these days I love my morning walk before my house gets up!

3. I blew my hair straight for years, until I was inspired to be natural from my childrens’ amazing curls.

4. I learned to cook recently, from my loving husband. I still make a total mess and many mistakes.

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